
consultant | coach | shift facilitator

health & happiness 

For me now, life is simple.  We are all connected.  Life is connected. And we all have a potential to live fully and naturally.  If we are in any way held back, feeling constrained, unwell, unhappy, out of sorts, out of alignment, low - anything other than the feeling of absolute flow of life - then we can help each other through talking, thinking and being differently, integrating a range of complementary and energy-unblocking techniques to help us to re-find our natural life force.  My interest is to stay 'switched on' to feeling in the flow,  and to help others identify the on-switch and keep it on!

Qualified in Advanced EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) - energy psychology, Matrix Reimprinting, Metamorphic Technique, Access Consciousness, and certified in Spiral Dynamics integral (a values-based approach), and many other approaches in 'energy medicine' field.

My intention is to 'bring energy into mainstream', meshing individual and professional development, new science and integral theory with energy awareness, so that anyone anywhere doing or being anything can feel the difference ... for themselves, each other and for everyone else. 

I am available in person in and around the Moray Coast of Scotland and am open to hold workshops and trainings wherever there is interest!  Simply ask!  Zoom/Skype/FaceTime sessions are easy and fabulous too.

Please see 'Book a Session' or contact me directly.




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