
life doula

guide | consultant | coach | synergist | facilitator

life, being & doing | work, career & enterprise | wellbeing, health & happiness | transition, transformation & evolution | aspiration, alignment & integration

Now updating to life-doula, incoporating guide - ease facilitator - life & career | wellbeing | health & happiness coach |consultant - I encourage shift from dis-ease (or stuckness) to ease and flow.  I point you to the edges of your awareness to discover what else is possible. So that you can be you, your unique being and creative contribution to the world.  'Birthing' you to be you.

It seems to me that through being all I can be, I encourage others to be all they can be .. and that in being all we can be, we make a positive contribution to the world. 

The magic is to somehow free ourselves up from patterns of thoughts and beliefs and 'old stuff' that have held us back from living a life of ease and joy ...   To switch off from that. And switch on to - what I call - our own 'Unique Being Point'  - UBP (an update of USP).

As we get more in tune with ourselves and our environment - with our flow -  we become clear about our unique naturalness, as well as that of others. We switch on,  and we wake up to seeing our life with new eyes, feeling it in an entirely different way and this opens up new choices in all areas of our lives - wealth/finances, relationships, life meaning, health, environments, enterprise.  We become rooted within ourselves, our community and in nature. In 'being ourselves', we encourage others to be-do like-wise.  It is such a great feeling to be connected with our flow, the zen, the 'sweet-spot', the Tao - and all that it brings - including and transcending the 'thinking mind'.

... conscious evolution coach, energy practitioner, health & wellbeing consultant,  life coach, synergist, catalyst for change,  transition coach, business coach, change management consultant,  integral thinker, transformation advisor, 'sparky connector'...

I offer sessions very much 'in the moment' - drawing on multiple modalities including Access Consciousness, Emotional Freedom Technique, Matrix Reimprinting - so that you FEEL a difference and SEE a difference in your life - and can live the life you choose to! 

I can help you as an individual - if something is not feeling right or light in your life, whatever and wherever it is ...

and you in companies of any size - if something needs freeing up, clarifying, clearing, transforming, and if someone (or groups) needs help to clear something so that they can be all they can be.

... and I love to help with the birthing of new structures/enterprises which are aligned to new, emergent way of being, relating and living  (since it appears that many of the old systems are now crumbling and fading away...).  Life-doula-ing.

I wonder what is possible, and what we can create in the world.

'Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I'll meet you there ...". Rumi




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