Story so far:
consciousness fan, in-the-moment writer, nature & fun lover, ease facilitator, certificate/qualifcation collector, bi-lingual global people-shifter, synergist, new-science fanatique, metaphysical inquirer, authenticity seeker, sea swimmer, space-clearer, joy & ease & glory creator, social commentator, observer, photo-shooter, teacher in the world, 'leadership developer', roaming reporter, assistant swan-lady, energy healer, litter-picker-upperer, vegetarian-vegan-like, pancreatic cancer experiencer, virtual mermaid, natural hair stylist, wardrobe re-thinker, all-round enthusiast, all-sorts dancer, wine importer, funky clothes designer, creative enterpriser, cellular nutritionist, life model, mother-sister-daughter-grandmother-friend-colleague-fellow global citizen, social enterpriser, sun and moon worship-er, fresh air/space lover, Gold Finger golden-girl, MBA tutor, dynamic-project facilitator ..
now (August 2022)
- simply being
- guide | consultant | coach | ease facilitator | synergist
- expertise in health & happiness | career & life | transition & transformation | emergent leadership
- writing a book or 2 (or more)
- starting a YouTube Channel, and 2 x blogs (mystery dis-eases | nutrition | energy medicine)
- developing course of 'simply being now' - guide to being who we are
- in-house corporate career support and outplacement (career counselling and coaching, outplacement, recruitment and retention, cross-cultural relocation assessment) working with leading career transition organisations
- bringing 'simply being now' to individuals, micro and SME organisations and whoever else is curious
- nurturing and transforming a company limited by guarantee - somethingmore
- open to infinite possibilities
and previously
- co-created coaching circle to facilitate others to faciliatate others in holistic conscious coaching
- leadership, management development & coaching with a major oil organisation across the world
- transition and change management
- facilitated dynamic, multi-sector, transnational partnerships and projects - EU northern periphery
- university research & development, university tutor
- created multiple micro and small entrepreneurial start-ups - own businesses - and business coach
- teaching in Africa and the Caribbean
- spoke at several conferences on authentic leadership
- published chapter on personal transition; wrote several articles on transformation
- developed excellent French (some Italian, and a smattering of Arabic)
- created clothes design business, co-created furniture design company
- began multiple hubs to cluster together to learn and evolve
- and more ...
through all of this:
- Emotional Freedom Techniques - advanced practitioner
- Matrix Reimprinting - practitioner
- Metamorphic Technique - practitioner
- Bars Access Consciousness - practitioner
- Theta Healing - practitioner
- Cellular Nutrition & Wellness Coach
- MSc in Entrepreneurship
- Chartered MCIPD
- Post Grad Diploma in Human Resource Management
- Further Education Teaching Certificate
- with a range of assessment tools including Spiral Dynamics Integral (levels 1 & 2)
- multiple trainings in and around nutrition
- 32 homes, 23 countries
- and more ...