some resources & links
TedTalk/YouTube links/websites
'Emotional Intelligence: using the Laws of Attraction' -
'Choices that can change your life' - Caroline Myss -
'Why raising your vibration increases serendipity' - Joanna McEwen - (buddha at the gaspump) (for over 400 fabulous interviews of 'awakening' people, by Rick Archer) - for over 400 interviews
Email 'Thought - or strengthenings - for the day'
- (Ellen Kratka)
Guides | Healers | Coaches:
Anne Clarke, Ellen Kratka, Sharron Cosgrove, Catherine Schultz, Fran Clarke
Michael Wolff
Some essential books
- The Essence of Rumi - John Baldock
- Medical Medium | Thyroid Healing | Cleanse to Heal - Anthony Williams
- The Plant Paradox - Steven Gundry
- The Untethered Soul - Michael A Singer
- Ask and it is Given - Esther & Jerry Hicks
- Meditation and the Rhythm of the Year - Michal J Eastcott, Sundial House
- The View: Mind over Matter, Heart over Head, edited by Dave Patrick (my chapter: 'Out of 'The Matrix, into the Divine Matrix")
- The Power of Now | The New Earth - Eckhart Tolle
- The Divine Matrix - Gregg Braden
- The Biology of Belief - Dr Bruce Lipton
- The Gift - Lewis Hyde
- Blink - Malcolm Gladwell
- Matrix Reimprinting - Karl Dawson & Sasha Allenby
- The Tappping Solution - Nick Ortner
- The Emotion Code - Dr Bradley Nelson
- Molecules of Emotion - Candice Pert
- The Healing Power of Energy Psychology - David Feinstein, Donna Eden & Gary Craig
- Why People don't Heal and How they Can - Carolyn Myss
- Miraculous Health – Dr Rick Levy
- Power v Force - David Hawkins
- Freedom Within - Michael Wolff
- Steering by Starlight - Martha Beck
- You can Heal your Life - Louise Hay
- The Secret - Rhonda Byrne
- Spiritual Marketing - Joe Vitale
- Journey to Freedom - Leslie Kenton
- The Artist's Way - Julia Cameron
- Reclaiming Higher Ground - Lance Secretan
- Women who run with the wolves - Clarissa Pinkola Estés
- Integral Life Practice - Ken Wilber, Terry Patten et al
- The Theory of Everything - Ken Wilber
- Spiral Dynamics - Don Beck & Chris Cowan
- Leadership & The New Science - Margaret J Wheatley
- Evolutionaries - Carter Phipps